Family Group Sheet

Family Group Sheet  -

+--Charles H Wilkinson  (AUG 1857-)
Jessie Wilkinson  (1884-)
|           +--? McNees  (BEF 1765-)
|        +--Joab Webster McNees  (JAN 1781-14 DEC 1833)
|     +--George Allen Gernade McNeese  (19 FEB 1804-10 JUL 1844)
|     |  |  +--Daniel McCollum  (1760-1852)
|     |  +--Sarah McCollum  (OCT 1783-06 JAN 1871)
|     |     +--Sarah ? 
|  +--James Harvey McNeese  (01 MAR 1833-01 APR 1912)
|  |  |  +--Aleander Mathes, II  (BEF 1790-)
|  |  +--Lucinda Doak Mathes  (15 MAR 1806-13 FEB 1875)
|  |     |  +--Robert Ord  (BEF 1765-)
|  |     +--Isabella Ord  (BEF 1790-)
|  |        +--Ann Leith  (BEF 1765-)
+--Jessie Melinda McNeese  (24 APR 1856-)
   |  +--William Macy  (22 MAR 1802-02 JAN 1881)
   +--Mary Ellen Macy  (25 SEP 1835-13 SEP 1879)
      +--Lucy Diggs  (29 JAN 1812-24 FEB 1882)


Researched and Prepared by William L. McNeese
copyright © 1997-2009
updated 3 Oct 2009

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